Abortion, Professionalism, and Patient-Centered Counseling
In this section, you will find readings and links to supplementary material that pertains to Week 1 of the Abortion Course.
- Rachel Maddow: Wendy Davis seeks to rouse dormant Democratic giant in Texas
- Vice News, The Fake Abortion Clinics Of America: Misconception
- Motherless: A legacy of loss from illegal abortion. watchmotherless.org
Academic Literature
- Harris L. Recognizing conscience in abortion provision. NEJM. 2012.
- One Hundred Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A statement on abortion by 100 professors of obstetrics: 40 years later. AJOG. Sept. 2013. 193-9.
- Perrucci AC. Decision Assessment and Counseling in Abortion Care: Philosophy and Practice. 2012.
Articles in Popular Culture
- Cosmopolitan: In Photos: The Journey to Get an Abortion From Texas’ Rio Grande Valley
- The New York Times: The New Abortion Providers
- USA Today: Where are the Doctors?
- The New York Times Magazine: What happens to women when they are denied abortion
Values Clarifications Workshops resources described in lecture
- Caring for Challenging Patient www.mededportal.org/publication/9701
- National Abortion Federation
- prochoice.org/pubs_research/publications/downloads/professional_education/abortion_option.pdf
- Reproductive Health Access Group www.reproductiveaccess.org/integrating_reprohealth/values_clar.htm
- Ipas https://www.ipas.org/resources/abortion-attitude-transformation-a-values-clarification-toolkit-for-global-audiences
General Resources
- Guttmacher Institute: guttmacher.org
- Ipas: www.ipas.org
- ANSIRH: ansirh.org
- ACCESS: accesswhj.org