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When Abortion is Not Available: Self-management of Abortion

Presented by Bhavik Kumar, MD, MPH (he/him)

Supplemental Video Content

Global Obstacles to Abortion

Guidelines for Safe Abortion Care

EXPLAINED: Abortion Safety in the United States Lecture

Additional Resources

Access, Delivered: A Toolkit for Providers Offering Medication Abortion

Misoprostol-Only Medication Abortion Sample Protocol

IPAS Abortion Self-Care

IPAS Medical Abortion and Self-Managed Abortion Human Rights


Women Help Women

Women on Web

American Bar Association’s resolution opposes criminalization of abortion or miscarriage


  1. An Overview of Abortion Laws. Guttmacher 2020.
  2. Singh S, Remez L, Sedgh G, Kwok L, Onda T. Abortion Worldwide 2017: Uneven Progress and Unequal Access. Guttmacher 2018.
  3. Donovan Self-Managed Medication Abortion: Expanding the Available Options for U.S. Abortion Care. Guttmacher 2018; 21.
  4. Jones R, Donovan M. Self-managed abortion may be on the rise, but probably not a significant driver of the overall decline in abortion. Guttmacher 2019.
  5. Self-Managed Abortion- What Healthcare Workers Need to Know. Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health.
  6. Baker C. Self-Managed Abortion Is Medically Very Safe. But Is It Legally Safe? MS Magazine 2020.
  7. Worldwide, an Estimated 25 Million Unsafe Abortions Occur Each Year. Guttmacher and WHO News Release, 2017.
  8. Harris L, Grossman D. Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion. N Engl J Med 2020; 382:1029-1040
  9. Statement on Decriminalization of Self-Induced Abortion. ACOG 2017.
  10. Fulfilling Roe’s Promise: 2019 Update. If/When/How 2019.
  11. When Self-Abortion is a Crime. National Institute for Reproductive Health 2017.
  12. World Health Organization. (2012) Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems – 2nd ed.