Jackson Women’s Health Organization v. Dobbs
In this video, Tanya Pellegrini, Senior Counsel with the Lawyering Project, focuses on how the Jackson Women’s Health Organization v. Dobbs decision impacts abortion access in the United States.
Pellegrini, T. Jackson Women’s Health Organization v. Dobbs. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/827344847/7a29e8b69a. Published May 17, 2023. Accessed May 17, 2023.
Immediate Post-Placental IUD Insertion Video
Beyond Do No Harm Principles for Health Care Providers to Interrupt Criminalization
Talking to Health Care Providers After a First Trimester Miscarriage or Abortion
Medication abortion with misoprostol-only: A sample protocol
Procedural Abortion Care After the First Trimester
Presented by Biftu Mengesha, MD, MAS (she/her)
University of California San Francisco
Medication Abortion Care After the First Trimester
Presented by Biftu Mengesha, MD, MAS (she/her)
University of California San Francisco
Overview of Abortion Care After the First Trimester
Presented by Biftu Mengesha, MD, MAS (she/her)
University of California San Francisco
Hyde Amendment
In this video, Roxanne Landis of UCSF discusses the Hyde Amendment.
Landis, R. Hyde Amendment. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/588362033/92288499c4. Published August 1, 2021. Accessed August 1, 2021.