
The Physician Voice in the Courts

In this video, Andrew Beck of the ACLU discusses the importance of the physician voice in the courts.  Beck, A. The Physician Voice in the Courts. Vimeo. Published May 1, 2021. Accessed May 1, 2021.

This is Why I Advocate: Meeting with Elected Officials

In this video, Dr. Jenn Villavicencio, the ACOG Darney-Landy Fellow, provides guidance for meeting with elected officials. Villavicencio, J. This is Why I Advocate: Meeting with Elected Officials. Vimeo. Published May 1, 2021. Accessed May 1, 2021.

Developing & Implementing Talking Points

In this video, Dr. Jennifer Conti of Stanford University School of Medicine discusses how to develop and implement talking points. Conti, J. Developing & Implementing Talking Points. Vimeo. Published May 1, 2021. Accessed May 1, 2021.

Op-Ed Workshop

In this video, Dr. Jennifer Conti of Stanford University School of Medicine provides an ‘Op-Ed’ workshop. Conti, J. Op-Ed Workshop. Vimeo. Published May 1, 2021. Accessed May 1, 2021.