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The History of Abortion in the US prior to Legalization

Updated resources about the legal landscape for abortion access after the Dobbs Supreme Court decision are available here. 

IERH acknowledges the importance of inclusive language as a component of patient-centered care and we are working to improve our content. Read more here.

Video Lecture Presented by:

Carole Joffe, PhD

University of California, San Francisco
Click here to download this video lecture 


Lecture can be viewed with subtitles in Spanish or French. French translation was made possible by the Safe Abortion Action Fund and International Planned Parenthood Federation. Click the Closed Captions button on video lectures to access subtitles. 

Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient World to the Renaissance John M. Riddle | Harvard University Press. 2015 [cited; Available from:
Carole J. Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion Before and After Roe V. Wade. Beacon Press; 1996. p. 250.
Cates W, Grimes DA, Schulz KF. The public health impact of legal abortion: 30 years later. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2003 2003 Jan-Feb;35(1):25-8
Paul M, Lichtenberg S, Borgatta L, Grimes DA, Stubblefield PG, Creinin MD. Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy: Comprehensive Abortion Care: Wiley-Blackwell; May 2009.
Devereux, A typological study of abortion in 350 primitive, ancient and preindustrial societies, 1954.
NY Times, Nov. 21, 1996.

The History of Abortion Slide Set

Week 1- HistoryAbortion (Joffe)

Slide Set from Video Lecture Presented by:

Carole Joffe, PhD
University of California, San Francisco

Click to download The History of Abortion  (pdf)